Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The quest for hats.

I Like hats. Baseball caps, Beanies and Sock hats. My 3 favorites, followed closely by sun hats.

Now I have a baby on the way, I have another excuse to buy hats.

I spent many hours trawling the internet for the perfect infant cranium protector. Alas my efforts were fruitless. Then I remembered I have an ace up my sleeve. One of my sisters happens to be quite the seamstress.

So, those of you that are familiar with The Legend Of Zelda, and like myself are a big fan of the series, you're in for a treat. Call me a nerd or a geek, it matters not to me.

My sister has been entrusted with creating Links hat. Yes that's right, the dashing floppy green hat that's festooned upon one of gamings most enduring frontmen. Only in smaller proportions.

Pictures of said hat will be posted here as soon as I have it. Pictures of Lefty in his hat will be here as soon as he decides it's time to make an appearance.

My partner quite understandably, thinks I'm touched in the head. Yet when I asked if she would willingly dress him in bear suit pajamas, she said she would! So for once she can't argue! Yes! One point for me!

Either way, I wouldn't subject him to the whole green outfit, although I will confess, I was tempted for a short while.

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