Thursday, July 21, 2011

Get up but no go.

So, I've been discussing this blog with a few people. The general feeling conveyed to me by most, is that it's a good idea.

I have one issue with myself though, that has been the bane of my existence for as long as I can remember. I can never motivate myself to carry out anything I want to do. I've had pipe dreams a plenty.

I think my partner said it best when I spoke to her about it last night. "You have get up, but no go"

I can't argue with that. It's been said to me on plenty of occasions. By friends, family, work colleagues. But this time I think things may finally be different. All because of an unborn foetus affectionately nicknamed Lefty.

I have realised my motivation doesn't happen because there are no consequences should I not follow through. This time I have a reason and a motivation. I want to set an example.

I want lefty to realise that you really can do anything if you put your time and effort into it.

It may sound like I've done nothing with my life. I've done things, but not things anyone would consider useful shall we say.

One of my favourite past times is producing music. I know my way around most music production software suites. I can reproduce music I've heard on the fly, or write my own from scratch. But that's all I've ever done with it. Its always been for my own satisfaction. If I had followed through when I first was introduced to production, I could by now be a significant player in any number of ways in the music industry. Again, get up, but no go.

So for the time being this blog will be my new pipe dream, only this time I will stick with it, and I will see it through to the end. Which will be either my own eventual demise, or the internet imploding under huge amounts of political, social and legal pressure (that's a topic for another day).

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