Monday, July 25, 2011

8 weeks to go!

The impending arrival of my sprog, as mentioned before nicknamed Lefty is drawing ever closer.

Although my partner will disagree, it's not that long to go and the closer it gets the more excited I become.

At first, early on in the pregnancy I experienced the fears that I'm quite sure most dads have had. Will I be a good father? Will he like me? Will I cope? Does this mean my life is over? Have I made a terrible mistake?!

Well, at this stage I've had lots of time to think these things over.

Will I be a good father?  I like to think so, sure I'm not going to be perfect,  no parent is. But ill do the best job I can, and that's all I can really ever do.

Will he like me? That's silly, of course he will! I am after all a top chap.

Does this mean my life is over? Hardly. Its just beginning. Its going to be vastly different, challenging, time consuming and exhausting. But on the whole much more interesting than it ever was.

Have I made a terrible mistake? Not at all. I'm actually kind of regretting not doing it sooner, but then I didn't have the amazing person that is my partner in my life.

Exciting things are ahead, and many an hour has been consumed with wandering thoughts about the future. Nothing has swayed me about our decision. I can't wait to meet my son.

1 comment:

Nathus Dorkus said...

He's going to grow up to be an absolutely awesome chap too, I'm sure. He'll have two amazing, supportive, open-minded and good-natured parents.