Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Debra is my partner. My better/other half, my significant other, my fiancée.

The one person I put before everyone else, myself included. The person I can talk to, with a little coaxing sometimes.  The person that makes me feel good about myself, regardless of how bad I feel. The person that makes me want to grow and improve myself. She's amazing. Honestly.

Debra, The pregnancy hasn't always been much fun. The sore and battered body, the restless nights, the constant indigestion. But I appreciate all that you're doing for us. I also admire you for putting up with it for so long. I hate to admit it, but I don't think any man could endure pregnancy. 3 weeks into it, and I would want off the ride, and an immediate refund!

All I'm trying to say is thank you for lefty and thanks for being you :D

I love you x

1 comment:

Nathus Dorkus said...

You need to POST. MORE. ENTRIES.