Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Nothing to see here, move along....

I created this blog a little over two years ago. At the time I thought this would be a good idea. Something creative I could use as an outlet. At the same time something to share with the online masses. A thing to entertain people with.

After a few days of endlessly plumbing the depths of my constantly wandering mind. I came to the realisation that I simply have nothing to talk about.

No bizarre illnesses, no strange line of work, no family links to celebrities or notorious criminals. I'm certainly not an inventor, or a great mind with thoughts and ideas that can benefit human kind.

I'm just a regular man.

As I was sat on the train, traveling to my regular job, I started to think. Ok, so my life isn't that exciting. But it's not totally devoid of interest.

In nine weeks time I will be a father!

Before my partner became pregnant, I underestimated just how much this event can change your whole outlook on life, and also how much it alters the reasoning behind many if not most of your decisions. It's for this reason I have decided once again to start to keep a record of the random thoughts that pop into my head.

Maybe no one will read this, but then at this point I can't say I'm overly bothered by this. I just have the urge to document anything that pops into my head. One reason for this is because I would like my son to read it. I'm not the best at elaborating my thoughts aloud. So writing things down seems like the most logical thing to do.

I hope this will give him some insight into his old mans mind.

Anyway, that's enough waffling for now. Have to start my regular job.
How exciting!

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