Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Have you ever sat and watched crows?

They fascinate me. I understand them to be very intelligent. They've been studied by a whole myriad of people.

Putting their nut crushing and impromptu tool making skills to one side. I think there's a lot more going on with crows, than those that observe them suspect.

I think that crows are so intelligent, they've quickly worked out that it's best to keep quiet on the matter.

They've probably realised that the moment they open their beaks, they would be coerced into getting jobs and paying taxes.

That being said, the weird person that I am, I kind of like that idea.

Parliament discussing equal rights in the work place for our corvine friends. Televisual debates about the anti social behaviour of young crows harassing the public at large for scraps of food. Pressure groups fighting for the freedom to establish a nest in any tree they see fit, without planning permission I might add!

Yes, the world would be a much more interesting place. Although I would be a little jealous. Who can say they got fed up with their job to the point where they landed a peck right in the eye of the boss, crapped on his shoulder and flew out of the window?

1 comment:

Nathus Dorkus said...

I have a bit of an obsession with crows. I think that they are one of the smartest, funniest and most beautiful animals. Every time I see one, I am instantly happier.

In an ideal world, I would have a pet crow. Only, that's pretty cruel, so no ideal world for me.