Saturday, June 30, 2012

I wonder...

I wonder what zak will chose as a profession when he's older?

One thing myself and his mother both love is music. I have my headphones on at every given opportunity, I have them on now as I write this. I also compose/produce music. This seems to be a trait that he definitely has. He loves to bop to music, he loves Take That (not my fault) and most other music. I've put my headphones on him a few times and every time he hears music, he listens with an intensity that's far greater than a passing curiosity. You can see the look on his face as he analyses every beat, every nuance, every lyric and tempo change.

We used to play music to him when he was swimming around in Debras belly. He would move to where the music was coming from so he could hear it better. At least that's what we like to think he was doing.

So maybe he'll have a musical career.

But then there's still time for him to become interested in new things, so who knows. All I know is I'm looking forward to introducing him to more and more things. I want to show him that the world can be an amazing place and he can make whatever he wants out of life.

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