Friday, June 29, 2012

More thoughts.

So I feel the need to talk.

What better place than here to air my current thoughts.

I've spent the last hour looking at pictures of my son. It's amazing how much he's  changed in such a short space of time.

From laying around on the floor to his favorite past time of pulling himself up to stand on furniture. From only being able to cry to saying mum and dad. From a gorgeous little smile to big belly laughs.

He has a personality now too. His little tantrums when he doesnt get his way. Being happy that he's banging two stacking cups together. Seeing how much of his penguin or starfish he can fit into his.mouth to chew. He's very inquisitive, there's very little he isn't interested in. I once managed to entertain him with one of his shoes for half an hour.

I love to watch him. The way he studies everything by slowly turning it around in his hands and looking at it from every angle. The little faces he pulls as he manoeuvres himself around on the floor. The attention he pays to your face when you pull faces at him. How he looks at the pictures on my t-shirts and then tries to pull them off. The way he plays peekaboo with my belly....yes you read that correctly. If I lay on the floor, he comes to me, pulls my t-shirt up and giggles at my hairy belly, he usually does this a few times before he.decides he then wants to chew my belt.
I love that he whispers babble to me and how he growls like a monster. He spent the best part of two days trying to curl his.tongue like mum and dad. He still can't yet, but I dare say it won't be much longer before he can.

I love watching him give mum kisses by planting sloppy licks on her face, and even tries to blow raspberries on her. I love how the simplest of his actions can bring a smile to mums face. I love how he holds my face or snuggles into my neck to get himself to sleep. Although I'm not a fan of it when he pulls my ear rings!

So many traits and habits at only 9 months old. I have loved watching him grow quickly from a baby to a little person. I can't wait to see how much more amazing he gets.

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