Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Strange habits.

So, as all babies/infants do, they explore and experiment with themselves and their bodies to learn about what it can and can't do. Today Zak found a new thing to do. He's already playing with his bits as most boys do (which incidentally never stops once we find out we have them). I expected that, what I didn't expect was him testing his gag reflex!

There he was sitting in his high chair, spoon in hand. Doing his usual which normally consists of fitting as much food into his mouth as he can, or rubbing it into his face, when all of a sudden he decided to see how far he could jam a spoon in there. What followed was gagging noises, a red face and lots of dribbles. My first reaction was to take the spoon away, but then instead he decided to shove his fingers down his throat! He spent the remainder of his lunchtime trying every which way possible to make himself gag.

If you've ever experienced what it feels like to gag like that, you'll understand that its not at all pleasant, which makes me wonder why on earth he was so determined to it. Maybe its just a new sensation and he's just making the most of it. I just hope he stops doing it soon because the sight and sound of it makes me queasy!

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