Monday, July 9, 2012

I miss music.

For the last week or so, I've been suffering from an ear blocked up with wax. Now I say suffering because I really have.

Anyone who knows me will tell you that music is a huge part of my life. Making and listening to music are my outlets. When things are getting me down, or I want to relax or if I'm feeling creative, music is my saviour.

Only recently I can't listen to anything properly, and It's really starting to bug me. I've been so desperate for a fix that I've been listening to my music through one ear....loudly. It's so disappointing to feel like you're next to the music rather than surrounded by it. I now know how it must have felt to hear music in stereo for the first time.

Music really is a big thing for me. From playing with badly out of tune guitars right up to fully fledged music production suites. Most people enjoy music on one level or another. I enjoy it to the extreme. I don't just listen, I analyse it. I register every intro, melody and chorus. I enjoy the writers chord and tempo changes. I observe how the drums and the bass and everything else together form a complex pattern. The pattern that more or less stays the same throughout the piece but has subtle chord changes that amuse and bring surprise. Changes in drum patterns that mix it up a little.

I appreciate all music, every genre from every country. It doesn't matter if I like it or not. When I think through the piece I can imagine the pleasure its creator must have felt putting it all together.

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