Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Total abandonment.

Have I abandoned this blog? The answer, which should be self evident because of the fact that you are reading this new post, is no.

Then why haven't you posted? I ask myself in the third person.....
All good intentions aside, it would appear that being a prolific daily blog poster is an intellectually taxing task.

So instead I'm going to be a sporadic blogger. A post here, a post there.

Anyway that's enough waffling for now.

So what's new in my mundane world? Well I have for the first time encountered the beast that is the private property renting world.

Making phone calls, and repeating answers to the plethora of standardised questions lined up, was by far the dullest objective of the mission. My God the drudgery! If I have to tell someone how many bedrooms I'm looking for again, I will hurt someone.....

On the upside it helped me remember my phone number. Which is something I never do. On a side note, isn't it time phone numbers were made obsolete? Unique phone identifiers via rfid anyone?

After the telecommunications nightmare comes the part that some of you might be familiar with.  The refferences part of the task is at hand.  Basically how this works is, you hand over an immodest sum of money to the letting agency. They tell you this is for administration. What they don't tell you, is that you've in fact paid them to do less work than you ultimately do yourself.

Now we are at the stage that requires much crossing of fingers,  and various other good luck rituals. Waiting for the paperwork to be finalised before we get the keys.

For something that you expect to be a little challenge, it's been the most frustrating, rage inducing, stressful few days of my life. Although I'm sure it will all pale into insignificance once the challenge of parenthood begins.